Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Types of Army - Owned CarsFigure 2-1. Railway car (ice), Refrigerator, 56 -inch gage, 50-ton, 8-wheelFigure 2-2. Railway car (mechanical), refrigerator, 39 3/8-inch gage, 40-ton 8-wheelFigure 2-3. Interior view of railway car (ice), refrigerator, 56 -inch gage, 50-ton, 8-wheelFigure 2-4. High-side, fixed-end, 40-ton gondola, domestic service.Figure 2-5(1). A 100-ton heavy-duty flatcar.Figure 2-7. Army Medical Department ambulance unit car, domestic service.Figure 2-8. US Army guard car.Chapter 3 Basic ComponentsFigure 3-1. AAR standard 4-wheel, coil spring, cast bolster car truck.Couplers, CONUS CarsChapter 4 Car Truck MaintenanceRemoval of Wheel and Axle AssemblyFigure 4-1. Method of gaging thin flanges, wheel condemnable.Figure 4-3. Method of measuring high flange.Figure 4-4. Burnt rim.Figure 4-7. Subsurface defect found on turning wheelFigure 4-9. Built-up tread.Figure 4-10. Grooved tread wheel.Figure 4-12. Cracked hub.Figure 4-14(1). Cracked or broken plate.Figure 4-15. Crack originating from hole burned in wheel.Section III. Axles and JournalsFigure 4-13. New and limiting dimensions for plain bearing passengerFigure 4-19. Economical selection of wheels and axles.Figure 4-22. Typical journal box assembly.Figure 4-23(1). Tapered roller bearing.Figure 4-23(2). Heavy duty bearing assembly, application partsFigure 4-23(3). Nomenclature, heavy-duty bearing assembly.Figure 4-24. Packing iron and waste grab hook.Figure 4-25. Recommended method of stacking journal bearings.Section IV. Journal Box LubricationFigure 4-26. Method of packing journal boxes.Figure 4-27. Typical lubricator pad.Packing Journal Boxes (Lubricator Pads)Section V. Truck Side Frame, Bolster, and SpringsFigure 4-28. Typical truck, assembled.Figure 4-29. Typical truck, disassembled.Truck SpringsTruck Springs - Cont'dChapter 5 Underframe AssemblyFigure 5-1. Typical welded-steel underframe.Figure 5-2. Component parts being installed on underframe.Section III. Repair ProceduresFigure 5-4. Marking with templates.Figure 5-7 Straightening a pushed-in end sill by jacking against the body bolster.Section IV. RiventingRivet Fitting Rivet DrivingChapter 6 Draft GearFigure 6-1. Typical friction draft gear.Figure 6-2. Draft gear parts and yoke.Maintenance - TM-55-2030057Chapter 7 CouplersFigure 7-2. Typical type "E" couplerFigure 7-3. Use of contour gage.Figure 7-6. Side buffersWillison Automatic CouplersFigure 7-7. Typical Willison arrangement.Figure 7-9. Operating parts type L, Willison coupler.Chapter 8 Car Brake EquipmentFigure 8-1. Foundation brake gear diagram.Figure 8-2. Typical brake lever badge and dimension plate.Figure 8-3. Brakes regulator, automatic type.Section II. KandbrakesFigure 8-5. Straight shaft handbrake.Figure 8-6. Vertical geared-type handbrake, 50-ton USA boxcarFigure 8-7. Typical horizontal-type handbrakes.Section III. AirbrakesPrincipal Parts of the Automatic BrakeDefinition of Term UsedAB and AB-1-B Brake System ComponentsFigure 8-9. AB valve showing the operating portions with pipe bracket sectionFigure 8-10. Exterior view of A-2-A quick-service valueFigure 8-11. Assembly view of the AB-A brake cylinder with lever brackets.Figure 8-12. Combined auxiliary and emergency reservoir.Figure 8-13. Combined dirt collector and cutout cock. Install Reconditioned Emergency PortionTest and Adjust Air-Operated Auto-mattec Slac AdjustersFigure 8-18. Hose with a "soft" bend.Figure 8-19. Stenciling for cleaning, oiling, testingShop Maintenance of AB Control ValveTable 8-1. Spring Identification AB Service PortionFigure 8-21. Service portion cover and release insuring parts.Figure 8-22. Service portion body and parts.Figure 8-23. Quick-service limiting valve and parts.Emergency PortionTable 8-2. Spring Identification AB Emergency PortionFigure 8-25. Emergency portion body and parts.Table 8-3. Spring Identification A-2-A Quick-Service ValveFigure 8-26. Filling piece and selector valve portion.Figure 8-27. Assembly view of A-2-A qutck-serice valve.Figure 8-28. AB brake cylinder, showing air pipe connectionShop Maintenance of Engine Portion of Automatic Slack AdjusterSection V. Single - Capacity Car Brake equipment (k)Equipment PartsFigure 8-30. Piping diagrams of KC freight car brake equipmentDescription of PartsFigure 8-31. K-1 triple valve, actual section and end viewFigure 8-32. K-2 triple valve, actual section and end viewFigure 8-33. Isometric views of triple valve, slide valve and seatFigure 8-34. Sectional and end view 8 -by 12-inch freight brake cylinderFigure 8-36. Wabcotite pipe union.Figure 8-38. Diagrammatic views of standard pressure retaining valve.Figure 8-39. Sectional view of retaining valve with vent protector Figure 8-40. Diagrammatic views of four-position release control retainer.Figure 8-41. The auxiliary reservoir variable releaseFigure 8-45. Release and charging position.Figure 8-46. Quick service position.Figure 8-46. Quick service position. - Cont'dFigure 8-48. Quick-service lap position .Figure 8-49. Retarded release and recharging positions.Figure 8-50. Emergency position.Maintenance - TM-55-2030118General Information for Carmen and TrainmenSection VI. Special Purpose EquipmentFigure 8-51. Freight single-car testing device with flowrator.Section VII. Vacuum Automatic AirbrakesFigure 8-53. Vacuum brake system.Operation-Steam LocomotivesChapter 9 Car Superstruckture Troop Kitchen Cars Ambulance Trains in Theaters of OperationsSection II. BoxcarsFigure 9-1. Steel reinforced end, composite car.Figure 9-2. Cutaway of wooden boxcar roof.Maintenance of Steel Component, Composite CarsSection III. Refrogerator CarsRoofsSection IV. Gondola CarsSection V. Hopper CarsSection VI. DumpcarsFigure 9-4. Dumpcar, body tilted.Figure 9-5. Arrangement of dome and, bottom discharge outlet.Maintenance and Repair - TM-55-2030139Section VIII. Flatcars Maintenance and RepairChapter 10 Train Ligtining Figure 10-1. Arrangement of an axle-generator belt-drive system.Figure 10-2. Generator drive gearcase mounted on a standard axle.Electrical EquipmentLighting FixturesFigure 10-4. Alkaline type of storage cell.Figure 10-5. Lead-acid type of storage battery.Figure 10-6. Cutaway view, nickel cadmium battery.Figure 10-7. Top view, nickel cadmium battery.Chapter 11 HeatingFigure 11-2. Pressure-reducing valve.Figure 11-4. Zone system of car heating.Figure 11-5. Automatic temperature-controlled vapor system.Maintenance and Repair - TM-55-2030155Maintenance and Repair - Cont'd - TM-55-2030156Chapter 12 Air ConditioningFigure 12-1. Flow diagram for mechanical-compression system.Maintenance and Repair - TM-55-2030159Maintenance and Repair - Cont'd - TM-55-2030160Chapter 13 GeneralSafetyChapter 14 Painting of Railway and Passenger CarsTable 14-1. Spray Gun Air PressuresTable 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and CaboosesTable 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and Cabooses-Continued - TM-55-2030166Table 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and Cabooses-Continued - TM-55-2030167Table 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and Cabooses-Continued - TM-55-2030168Table 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and Cabooses-Continued - TM-55-2030169Table 14-2. Painting System for Freight Cars and Cabooses-Continued - TM-55-2030170Section III. Passenger Service Cars - TM-55-2030171Table 14-5. Painting of Troop Sleeper CarsChapter 15 Lettering and Numbering of Railway Freight and Passenger CarsSection II. Freight Cars - TM-55-2030174Figure 15-3. Standard markings for gondola cars, CONUS.Figure 15-4. Standard markings for hopper cars, CONUS.Figure 15-6. Standard markings for caboose cars, CONUS.Figure 15-7. Standard markings for tank cars, CONUS.Army Tank Cars in CONUSTable 15-1. STANAG 2153 Category NumbersFigure 15-8. Standard markings for boxcars and refrigerator carsFigure 15-9. Standard markings for high-side gondola carsFigure 15-10. Standard markings for low-side gondola carsFigure 15-11. Standard markings for flatcarsFigure 15-12. Category number for overseas (STANAG) railway cars.Figure 15-13. Standard markings for caboose carsSection III. Passenger Service Cars - TM-55-2030187Figure 15-16. Standard markings for troop kitchen carsFigure 15-17. Standard Army Medical Department markings for ambulance unit carsFigure 15-19. Caduceus, Army Medical Department insigniaChapter 1 General - TM-55-2030191Inspection PointsInspection Procedures--Passenger CarsTable 16-1. Maximum Number of Cars with Inoperative AirbrakesTerminal TestsPeriodic RepairsPeriodic Repairs - Cont'd - TM-55-2030197Periodic Repairs - Cont'd - TM-55-2030198Chapter 17 Inpection FormsFigure 17-1. DA Form 55-154 (Record of Special Tests Made on Airbrake Equipment).Figure 17-2. DA Form 55-156 (Battery Removal Record, Battery Application Record).Figure 17-3(1). DA Form 55-158 (Hospital Car Inspection and Repair Record)Figure 17-5. DA Form 55-161 (Airbrake Defect Tag).Figure 17-7. DA Form 55-163 (Car Inspector's Train Report).Figure 17-9. DA Form 55-237 (Rolling Stock Specification Record).Chapter 18 Shops, Heavy (DEPOT) MaintenanceSection II. Freight Cars - TM-55-2030207Shop Procedure Materials Handling EquipmentMaterial StorageSection IV. Wheel and Axle ShopFigure 18-1. Wheel mounting pressures, in tons.Figure 18-2. Work flow chart showing course of axlesHandling Loose WheelsFigure 18-4. Wheel-fit pressure diagram. Boring-Mill PracticeFigure 18-4. Thirty-three-inch one-wear cast steel freight car wheel.Figure 18-5. Thirty-three-inch multiple-wear (MW) Machining AxlesFigure 18-6. Typical center-drive journal lathe.Figure 18-7. Method of applying steel-wheel gage Matching Wheels and Axles for MountingSection V. Paint Shop, Railway CarsChapter 19 Shops, Light (Running) RepairsLight Repair TrackShop BuildingsSection III. Light Passenger Car (Running) RepairInspection FacilitiesSection I. GeneralFigure 20-1. Preparation of edges.Limitations on Reclamation Welding Regulations for Couplers and Cast Steel YokesWelding Coupler CracksChapter 21 SafetyPrevention of Burns, Fires, and ExplosionsHandling Material Operation of Portable Power ToolsElectric Arc WeldingWorking on or About MachineryEye Protection Rules for Prevention of FallsAppendix A References - TM-55-2030242Appendix A References - Cont'd - TM-55-2030243GlossaryGlossary - Cont'd - TM-55-2030245Glossary - Cont'd - TM-55-2030246Glossary - Cont'd - TM-55-2030247Glossary - Cont'd - TM-55-2030248Glossary - Cont'd - TM-55-2030249Maintenance of Railway Car