TM 55-203
Figure 8-31. K-1 triple valve, actual section and end view
c. Brake Cylinder and Reservoir
head. Excessive piston travel will result in damage to
the protector 20 (if used) and must not be permitted.
(1) Auxiliary reservoir. A standard castiron
auxiliary reservoir is included with the complete freight
d. Wabcotite Fittings
brake set, which is furnished either combined with the
brake cylinder (type KC, see fig 8-34), or detached
(1) Purpose. The purpose of the Wabcotite
therefrom, as desired, according to the conditions of the
fittings is to produce pipe joints which can be made and
installation. This reservoir is of such volume that with
maintained permanently airtight and at the same time
an initial auxiliary reservoir pressure of 70 pounds and
avoid costly failures in road service due to the breakage
standard (8-inch) piston travel, the brake cylinder and
of pipe or fittings. The fitting is designed to clamp the
auxiliary reservoir pressures will equalize at 50 pounds.
pipe back of the threaded end so as to relieve the thread
of tension stresses, and it is arranged so that removals
(2) Piston. The piston 3 of the brake cylinder
and reapplications can be conveniently made.
has a hollow sleeve in which is the loose push rod
attached to the levers and rods of the foundation brake
(2) Fittting arrangement. The sectional view,
rigging; 9 is a release spring which forces piston 3 to
release position when the air is exhausted from the
Wabcotite fittings. Tightening the clamping nut will
opposite end of the cylinder; the packing cup presses
cause the anchor ring to close in and grip the pipe firmly
against the cylinder wall and prevents the escape of air
so that all bending
past the piston.
In the combined equipment the
auxiliary reservoir forms the pressure head for the brake
cylinder; in the detached equipment, 18 is the pressure