TM 55-203
outward by air pressure, this force is transmitted through
b. Port Connections, etc.
the rods and levers to the brakeshoes and applies them
to the wheels.
d. Auxiliary Reservoir. This contains stored air for
32, the retarding device body projects into the auxiliary
use in applying the brakes.
reservoir and is constructed so that free communication
e. Centrifugal Dirt Collector. This is connected in the
exists between the auxiliary reservoir and chamber R, in
which the slide valve 3, and graduating valve 7, operate
branch pipe between the brake pipe (and the triple valve
as near the triple valve as circumstances will permit,
and 8-32, comes opposite one end of the tube which
and is for the purpose of preventing pipe scale, sand,
leads through the auxiliary reservoir to the brake
cinders, or foreign particles of any kind from reaching
cylinder, when the valve is bolted in place on the end of
the triple valve.
the auxiliary reservoir, as shown in section in the
f. Branch Pipe Tee. This tee is to prevent the
diagrammatic views. The letter designating the ports
deposit in the branch pipe of excessive moisture from
and passageways, and the reference numbers
the brake pipe.
designating the parts appearing in the illustrations,
g. Pressure Retaining Valve.
This valve is
correspond throughout.
connected by piping to the triple valve exhaust, its
(2) Port designations. As illustrated in the
purpose being when the handle is placed in retaining
position, to retard the rate of brake cylinder exhaust
ports are as follows:
while the engineman is recharging the auxiliary
(a) r leads to the brake cylinder and also
reservoirs and when brake cylinder pressure has been
connects with chamber X over the emergency valve and
reduced to a certain predetermined amount, to retain
under the emergency piston.
that pressure in the brake cylinder.
(b) y leads to the check valve case and
h. Release Valve. This is attached to the auxiliary
chamber Y.
reservoir, by means of which the brake may be released
(c) t leads to the top of the emergency
i. Cutout Cock, Angle Cocks, Hose, and Hose
(d) p leads to the exhaust (or retaining
Couplings. The location and uses of
these items will be
(e) Ports o on top and bottom of slide valve
readily understood from the isometric view of the
connect and are alike in size. Port q runs directly
through the slide valve, but is smaller at the top than at
the face of the valve, and the smaller port is out of
center with the larger port. Ports s and z run through the
valve and connect with cavities in the face, port z also
Description of Parts
has a cavity at the top.
a. Triple Valve. The type K triple valve is
(f) The face view of the graduating valve
manufactured in two sizes, the K-1 for use with 6-inch
shows that it has a small cavity v. This valve is of the
and 8-inch freight car brake cylinders, corresponding to
slide valve type, and it seats on the top of the slide
the J-1 (F36), and the K-2 with 10-inch freight car brake
valve, where it controls the upper end of ports z, q and
cylinders, corresponding to the H-2 (H49). The K-1 will
o. The purpose of the cavity v is to connect the upper
bolt to the same reservoir as the H-1 and K-2 to the
ends of ports o and q in a service application, as
explained in detail later.
sectional views of the K-1 and K-2 types, respectively.
Each valve is marked with its designation on the side of
(g) As shown by the face view of the slide
the valve body, and the K-2 may be distinguished from
the K-1 by the fact that it has three, as compared with
valve, n is a long cavity connected by a restricted port to
two, bolt holes in the reservoir flange. Also, in order to
a "tail port" at its right-hand end. This cavity n connects
distinguish the type K valves from the old standard type,
the ports through which the air escapes from the brake
their exterior being similar when they are attached to the
cylinder in releasing. Port b is cut diagonally from the
auxiliary reservoir, a lug is cast on the top of the valve
face of the valve till it just cuts into the edge, at the top
body, as shown in the illustrations. This enables them to
of the slide valve. It admits auxiliary reservoir pressure
be easily recognized.
to port t in an emergency application.