TM 55-203
become loose and eventually lost. If the spring plank is
These clusters, with cap and seat plates, are removable,
damaged, great pressure will be applied to the springs,
since they are fixed to neither the bolster nor the side
resulting in broken springs or the tilting of the truck.
When a spring is found broken or missing, a new spring
b. Spring Replacement. Bolster coil springs (fig 4-
will be installed. To do this, the truck can be partially
28) may break and become lost. When this occurs to
disassembled following the procedure outlined above.
one spring, it is not too serious. However, additional
The weight must be taken from the bolster and bolster
strain is thereby placed on remaining springs and In
'raised high enough for the spring to come free. New
case of a heavily loaded car they may be unable to
springs should fit the spring seats exactly and have the
carry the load, thus possibly resulting in truck failure, hot
same snubbing characteristics as the other springs in
journal, derailment, or other serious damage. Rusting or
the group.
breakage of connecting parts may cause a spring to