TM 55-203
interpost or interplant only, and are not offered to any
e. For the roll method, lightly twisted rolls of prepared
commercial railroad in interchange. Initial application of
packing with the ends turned under, or suitable size to
these lubricating pads is to be made in accordance with
fill the space between journal and journal box, are used
instructions of the manufacturer.
to fill up the box as shown in the bottom row of figure 4-
c. Inspection. Inspection of journal boxes equipped
26. The back roll (1) and the additional rolls marked (2),
with lubricating devices consists of visual examination to
(3), and (4) are prepared and inserted In the same
see that the lubricator, journal bearing, and wedge are in
manner from the back roll to the inner or back face of
good condition and in their proper places and that the
the journal collar. No loose ends of threads should
box is not overheating. No servicing or setting up with a
protrude at sides or ends, and any loose ends or threads
packing iron is required unless the lubricator is shifted in
should be carefully tucked under the sides of the
the box, in which case it should be adjusted to the
packing. The number of rolls per box is optional. When
proper position. Journal box packing (waste) will not be
the box has been serviced the level of packing on each
side should be approximately 1 inch below the
used with these devices.
centerline of the journal. Packing should be added or
d. Cause for Renewal. Journal lubricating devices
removed if necessary to produce this condition.
will be considered as defective and requiring renewal
f. Oil should be added to such boxes as do not
appear to contain sufficient oil after packing. There
(1) There is any noncontact with journal.
should be approximately 1 inch of oil in the bottom of
the box in front of the journal collar. Too much oil
(2) There is any scorched or burnt area.
causes soggy packing and results in oil being thrown out
(3) There is any glazing of the surface which
of back of the box. Lubrication is adequate if oil shows
contacts the journal.
between the fingers when a handful of waste is
(4) Top, front, back, or side is torn for more than
1/2 its length.
g. Journal boxes equipped with approved spring-type
packing retainer devices should be packed more firmly
(5) Fabric is deteriorated or decayed.
than those without such devices to insure that both
(6) Exposed core or metal part is contacting journal.
packing and retainer will stay in proper position.
(7) Missing.
4-17. Packing Journal Boxes (Lubricator Pads)
(8) Removed on account of change of wheels and
a. General. All oil waste packing or damaged or worn
lubricator devices will be removed from the journal box.
Journal bearings and journal box will be cleaned and
Journal box repairs require removal of
journal lubricator in accordance with manufacturer's
(10) Journal boxes receive periodic lubrication
instructions provided in each lubricator shipping
container. Rail- way car oil (VV-L822) will be used to
saturate the pad and for subsequent replenishing.
(11) AAR approval has been withdrawn (para 419).
When necessary to replace all lubricating devices in a
(12) When involved with a hotbox requiring renewal
car at the same time, all devices applied must be of the
of journal bearing.
same kind. Refer to the current issue of the AAR
Interchange Rules for complete listing of AAR
Periodic Attention-Plain Bearing Journal
"approved," "conditionally approved," and "approved for
a. Overdated when Equipped with AAR Approved,
b. Typical Pads. Figure 4-27 depicts a
Conditionally Approved or Approved for Test
lubricating pad, constructed of chenilled cotton fabric.
Lubrication is provided by wicking action. It has one
(1) Stenciled with numeral "30" adjacent to repack
continuous pull strap extending out at each end fitted
stenciling information.
with brass grommets for ease of adjustment and
removal from box. Only those types of lubricating pads
(a) After expiration for 30 months.
which have been conditionally approved, finally
(b) After expiration of 29 months when car is on
approved, or approved by the AAR for limited test
repair track.
periods are authorized for installation in any car journal
which is in interchange service. DA policy is to convert
all car journal box packing to the lubricator pad type on
military-owned cars, even though the cars are used