TM 55-203
Where possible, the paint should be stored in a separate
18-34. General
Although freight cars may be painted in the open, it is
The same type of sandblasting shed may be
generally considered advisable to paint them in a shop
used for both freight and passenger cars. It should be
Passenger cars should be painted in a shop or closed
made long enough to take two cars at a time when the
building. Cars can be painted more quickly In a shop,
number of cars to be handled so requires, and if
and weather conditions do not interfere; moreover, the
possible, should be served by the transfer table. Such
results are better. Freight cars normally are prepared
location will avoid the annoyance of the dust in the other
for painting outside the paint shop, and protection from
shops and will save delays incident to switching
the weather is not always necessary. The size of a paint
shop for freight cars may be determined by the number
of cars in service, their general condition, and the
18-36. Scaffolding
number of cars to be painted annually, the length of
time in the shop depending upon the amount of cleaning
done inside the shop, the number of coats of paint
Scaffolds may be of the elevator type and
applied, and the stenciling. Painting is discussed in
may extend the length of the enclosure. There should
chapters 13 and 14.
be one on each side of the car to be painted. The
platform may be raised and lowered by two cable
18-35. Car Paint Shop Facilities
controls which extend from end to end. The platform is
raised when one cable is pulled and lowered when the
other is pulled. Safety devices limit the maximum and
The paint shop should be constructed
minimum height to which the platform will go.
entirely of fireproof material and have a concrete floor
with a smooth surface and good drainage. The floor
Platforms should be made of expanded
should be waterproof, and its corners should be rounded
metal which presents a nonskid surface and enables the
to facilitate cleaning. All shelves and lockers should be
workmen to see through the platform. Thus, work can
of noncombustible material. Any source of sparking,
proceed on at least two different levels of any side of
such as electric wiring, switches, or belt-driven
the car at the same time, be- cause the platform for the
equipment, which would produce electric arcing or static
upper level workmen can be raised so it does not
electricity, should be eliminated or installed in such a
interfere with the men standing on the floor and working
way that paint fumes cannot Ignite. A paint shop should
on the lower part of the car.
be provided with an automatic sprinkle system and fire
extinguishers in accordance with fire prevention laws
and recommendations.