TM 55-203
Small platform trucks are desirable for
10,000-pound capacity. Among other things, this unit
can be used to load and unload wheels and heavy
hauling light materials and supplies from the storehouse
materials, carry mounted wheel sets to and from the
to the point of use.
Oxyacetylene tanks, electric
storage tracks, handle doors in repair operations,
welders, or supply cabinets can be mounted on platform
straighten car ends, and shift loads It is much more
trucks for mobility.
versatile than the locomotive type of on-track crane.
Hand wagons, trucks, or buggies are
valuable for moving tools, supplies, or materials. If this
material on skids, mounted wheels, and other similar
equipment is to be hand propelled, it should be as light
items and to assist in actual repair operations. Similarly,
as possible and be equipped with ball or roller bearings
a tractor with trailers is a valuable piece of equipment.
on axles.
The tractor, If of adequate capacity, may be used
occasionally for shifting cars.
equipped with V-blocks to engage the axles Trucks are
released by means of hand or power-operated jacks that
19-8. General
lift the car sufficiently to permit the trucks to be rolled
from it.
Light passenger car maintenance is interpreted to mean
running repairs and cleaning and servicing operations at
Drop-pit tables simplify the operation, as the
coach yards and terminals before cars are again ready
rails spanning the pit are a part of the movable table
for service. The work involved includes everything from
Wheels supported on these rails can be removed
repairing a door latch to changing out slid-flat wheels It
without any part of the lifting mechanism coming in
includes replacing a defective light, fixing inoperative air
contact with the axle. This type of equipment should
conditioning equipment, inspecting running gear and
have the following characteristics:
safety appliances, testing airbrakes, cleaning and
touching up car exteriors and interiors, checking
A capacity sufficient to raise a pair of
batteries, and putting all required supplies aboard.
wheels above the rails spanning the pit.
19-9. Coach Yard Layout
Detachable tabletops to engage the
wheel treads instead of the axles, so as to avoid having
Coach yard tracks should be spaced so as to assure
to strip the axles of pulleys or other attachments.
sufficient width on the runways to permit material and
trucks to pass each other. It will also permit trucking
Electrical operation to provide a low
around men who are working under the cars or
cost source of power and to permit the use of remote
occupying part of the runway with their material and
air, water, and electric outlets can be located along the
19-11. Inspection Facilities
center of the runway from either overhead or
underground lines extending to the boiler plant. The
In most cases, complete inspection can be
powerplant will of necessity include one or more air
accomplished best at inspection pits.
With the
exception of a pit track of required capacity for
inspection, the general requirements in terminal facilities
19-10. Wheel and Truck Repairs
for passenger cars usually are included in the servicing
facilities of a coach yard. Consideration should be given
Car wheels are subject to many defects,
to the location of the 'inspection pit track at a coach yard
discussed in chapter 4, the repair of which necessitates
to permit maneuvering the train into the faculties without
the removal of the axle with its pair of wheels. Removal
delays and to reduce switching operations to a
of complete trucks because of defects is infrequent, as
compared with the removal of mounted wheels. Most
coach yards are equipped with facilities to remove and
The car unit capacity or length of the
replace pairs of wheels and complete trucks, the kind or
inspection pit, and the necessity for components
extent of facilities varying with the amount and
servicing facilities at the pit track, such as usually are
character of the work in each yard. In large terminals,
maintained in passenger car servicing
pairs of wheels are changed on pneumatic or
hydraulically operated wheel-dropping jacks usually