TM 55-203
13-1. Colors
Railway equipment will be repainted only when required
for preservation purposes and not merely for the purpose
of beautification or of changing color, unless considered
Olive green, gloss..................... 14064
necessary for safety or security purposes by the
Red, gloss ................................ 11136
responsible commander.
Except where otherwise
White, gloss.............................. 17875
specified or directed, railway rolling stock in theaters of
White, semigloss ...................... 37875
operations will be painted lusterless olive drab X34087. In
White, lusterless ....................... 13538
the continental United States (CONUS), all exposed
Yellow, gloss............................. 33538
exterior painted surfaces on freight, passenger, hospital,
Yellow, lusterless ...................... 33538
kitchen, and caboose or guard cars, will be painted gloss
olive green 14064. All exposed exterior surfaces on
13-2. Safety
gondola, hopper, and tank cars, will be painted gloss
black 17038.
All painting and marking will be in
a. General. As a matter of Army policy, safety
accordance with AR 746-1, and paint standards contained
markings on railroad equipment will be applied in CONUS
in MIL-P-3320. For painting in theaters of operations, all
only. Personnel engaged in painting operations must be
exterior finish coats will be olive drab semigloss 24087. A
cautioned by supervisors to exercise caution in handling
complete list of paints authorized for use for railway
paints. Poisonous compounds are often used in paints.
Personnel working with paints should wash hands and
face carefully before handling food, and keep cuts or
Table 13-1. Authorized Materials
wounds free of painting materials. Many thinners create
dangerous fumes, and personnel can be seriously injured
through inhalation. Most paint materials are flammable,
Aluminum gloss......................... 17178
and use of matches, open flames, or smoking should be
Black, gloss............................... 1703,8
avoided in paint areas.
Black, semigloss ....................... 27038
Black, lusterless ........................ 37038
b. Ventilation
Blue, gloss ................................ 15044
Blue, semigloss ......................... 25053
(1) When painting the inside of any
Buff, gloss ................................. 10371
equipment having only a small opening to the outer air,
Gray, gloss................................ 16187
an air hose or electric blower will be used to force a
Gray, semigloss ........................ 26152, 26492, 26307
continuous flow of fresh air into the enclosed space. Two
Gray, lusterless ......................... X14050, 14062, 14110
persons will work together inside, while a third person
Green, gloss.............................. 36118, 26270
remains outside near the opening to insure their safety.
Green, semigloss ...................... 24410, 24260
Personnel working on the interior will emerge at 15-
Olive drab, gloss ....................... 14087
minute intervals for fresh air.
Olive drab, semigloss................ 24087
Olive drab, lusterless................. 34087
(2) If it is at all practicable, cars will be
painted in the open air.