TM 55-203
from the axle carrying wheels with them in an upright
New axle storage racks should be designed with
separate tiers for each size and type of axle and should
be arranged to feed the axles into the shop as required.
Wheels which have been dismounted but
Scrap axles from the demounting press
which can be reused can be handled from the demount
press to storage or to the boring mill by forklift truck,
should be conveyed to a location where they can be
roller wheel conveyor, monorail, or overhead crane, or
loaded into cars for shipment to the scrap dock. After
they may be hand-rolled. Wheels of this type will be
axles have been turned, they are moved to the
relatively few, mainly wrought-steel wheels removed
burnishing lathe, then to the inspection station, and
because of a defective axle.
finally to the mounting press. The handling of axles In
and out of lathes is done by a suitable crane or hoist.
Still another satisfactory arrangement is the use of an
18-23. Demounting Wheels From Axles
overhead monorail and a 1 or 2-ton electric hoist to lift
axles as they come out of the demount press and to
The most efficient and satisfactory
carry them to scrap-axle storage racks, to secondhand
arrangement for demounting is the use of a high-speed
axle storage racks, or to the axle lathes.
hydraulic double-cylinder demount press. A wheel pair
is rolled into the press and the ram pushes one end of
Means should be provided for cleaning all
the axle as the near wheel is held by the center beam.
secondhand axles before they start through the shop.
One man rolls the wheel pair out, and another takes the
Removal of dirt and scale from the body of the axle and
loose wheel and rolls it to the disposal chute. The first
of oil or protective coatings from journals will insure
man turns the axle and one wheel assembly and rolls it
more positive Magnaflux or Magnaglo tests regardless
back into the press As soon as the second wheel has
of whether the dry or wet method is used Cleaning is
been pressed off, one man removes the loose wheel
particularly important with Magnaglo tests, since dust,
and the other picks up the axle with a hoist and places it
dirt, and oil will contaminate the oil bath medium and
on a rack b When wheels are demounted, they should
seriously affect the quality of the test Any cleaning
be rebored. The same care in tolerance and finish
method, such as handcleaning, placing the axle in a lye
should be observed as with new wheels Care must be
vat, sandblasting or gritblasting the body of the axle,
taken to secure the greatest value from the metal In
flame cleaning with oxyacetylene, or wire-brush cleaning
both wheel seat and hub through economical selection
is satisfactory.
18-22. Handling Loose Wheels
18-24. Wheel Press Practice
Loose wheels may be received in gondolas,
Separate presses should be used for
boxcars, or special wheel cars which provide racks land
mounting and demounting wheels, where possible, to
blocking to hold the wheels in an upright position. They
increase production. If the same press is used for both
can be unloaded by mobile crane truck or by a forklift
operations, it should have a capacity of 400 to 600 tons.
truck, or they can be rolled manually. The forklift truck
offers the most convenient method, since the wheels are
always held upright. New wheels, after being unloaded
Wheel mounting presses must be provided
from cars, are stocked upright in rows outside the
with a dial pressure gage and a pressure recording
building and segregated as to kind and tape sizes. The
gage. These gages must agree with each other, and the
simplest method for moving the wheels from storage is
dial gage must be checked at least every 6 months with
by hand-rolling, but this involves an excessive amount
a deadweight tester or an accurate master gage. The
of labor and the possibility of personal injury.
gages must always be used for every mounting
operation. The recording gage must make a complete
In a large shop, an arrangement can be
wheel fit pressure diagram of the type in figure 18-3 for
provided using two dollies to hold the wheel upright until
each wheel mounted. The diagram for the mounting of
the axle is removed. The wheel pairs roll out of the
each wheel should be marked to show the type of wheel,
remounting press into this arrangement, an overhead
its make, identifying number, and axle size. Wheel
hoist lifts the axle slightly, and the dollies move away
mounting and check gages must be checked frequently
by the shop foreman or the test department so that
excessive gage wear will not cause improper mounting.