TM 55-203
Figure 18-2. Work flow chart showing course of axles and wheels through the shop.
33-inch nominal diameter wheels should not be stored
approximately 20 wheel pairs in a single layer. A car
arriving at a wheel shop may contain a variety of wheels
with 36-inch nominal wheels. Multiple-wear wheels of
the same nominal diameter should be further
of different journal sizes and types. Some may be cast
segregated so that those having a rim thickness 1 3/4
iron or wrought-steel to be dismounted; others may
require that one or both journals be turned; or wrought-
inches or more are stored separately from those having
a rim thickness of less than 1 3/4 inches.
steel multiple or one-wear wheels may require their
treads to be turned. Wheels should be tagged or plainly
Dolly cars, turntables, hoists, or cranes can
marked to show the defect. Wheels requiring similar
work should be placed together.
be used to move wheel pairs from the storage tracks to
the car wheel lathe or the journal-turning lathe. Wheel
pairs for demounting should be rolled directly from
Wheels storage tracks must be spaced so
that the flanges of one pair of wheels cannot strike
storage tracks into the wheel press or should be handled
automatically to eliminate the labor which would
either the journal or the center portion of the axle of an
adjacent pair. A nick in the journal may cause a hotbox,
normally be required.
and a nick in the center portion of an axle may lead to
breakage. Spacing pairs of rails 6 inches on center will
18-21. Handling Axles
prevent (nicking as the flanges will then strike the hub of
New axles can be unloaded from cars to
the next wheel. To prevent axles and flanges from
contacting wheels of different nominal diameters,
storage racks by a locomotive crane, a mobile crane
wheels should be segregated so that those widely
truck, forklift trucks, or a hoist, depending on the type of
varying diameters are not stored together. For example,
car and the method of loading.