TM 55-203
Figure 2A.2 PB-AAR Wheel Manual)
Figure 4-13. New and limiting dimensions for plain bearing passenger-car axles.
wheel seats and journals. If an axle is found to be bent,
above the journal surface on the face of the end collar
it should be scrapped unless the journals and wheel
to a point 1/8 inch below the dust-guard seat on the back
seats can be trued up within, the specified limits. A
Any gage which
practice sometimes followed is to leave a chalk witness
measures the length of journals in accordance with this
mark around the wheel seats to show that the axle has
method can be used. Figure 4-21 illustrates the type of
been checked in the lathe.
gage used on railroads throughout the United States.
(3) Broken axle. Circumferential laps or seams in
(6) Collar worn to limit. Limits of wear will conform
to those shown in figure 4-18.
any portion of the axle are likely to cause trouble. A
(7) Journal diameter worn below limits. Limits of
broken axle or one with a broken end collar must be
wear will conform to those shown in figure 4-18.
(4) Back journal fillet. To standardize lathe tools
(8) Wheel seat below limit. Limits of wear will
and simplify shop practices, journal fillets normally are
conform to those shown in figure 4-18.
turned to the standard radii for new axles. The rules,
(9) Journal length worn to limit. Axles usually are
however, permit the use of secondhand axles with
scrapped because the journals have reached the
minimum back fillet radius of 1/8 inch for C and larger
condemning length rather than because the journal or
axles which can be gaged with the wheel-defect gage.
wheel seats have reached the condemning diameter. In
This minimum radius should be employed only when
theaters of operations where axles may be in short
axles can, be reapplied without refinishing or when
supply, a light 1/8-inch cut off the diameter of the journal
restoring the fillets to standard radii would cause the
will remove average scores or cuts in the fillets or
journal to be scrapped for a deficiency in length or
restore worn fillets without lengthening the journal
appreciably or reducing the thickness of the end collar.
(5) Journal length worn to limit. The length of worn
journals should be measured from a ,point 1/4 inch