TM 55-203
of DA Form 55-126, to the Commanding General, US
17-1. General
Army Mobility Equipment Command, St. Louis, Missouri
63166, or such other agency as the Commanding
Authorized forms pertinent to the inspection and
General, 'US Army Materiel Command, may designate.
maintenance of railway cars are listed in Department of
the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 310-2, Index of Blank
(2) The responsible agency will
Forms. Most of these forms are designed for use by a
check all invoices submitted to insure that they are in
transportation (military) railway service in an oversea
accordance with applicable regulations and the
theater, but many are suitable for use by installation
Association of American Railroads (AAR) Code of Rules
transportation officers and other agencies concerned in
governing the condition of and re-pairs to passenger
the inspection, maintenance, and repair of Army-owned
type railway cars in interchange. Such invoices will then
railway cars in the continental United States (CONUS)
be processed for payment by the appropriate finance
Discussion and illustrations contained herein are
disbursing officer.
intended for the general guidance of responsible officers
and subordinate inspectors. All forms are not illustrated
17-3. DA Form 55-154 (Record of Special Tests
because of space limitations; those shown are included
Made on Airbrake Equipment)
as being of the most interest and applicability to present-
day operations. All forms will be requisitioned through
normal supply channels except those which are stocked
DA Form 55-154 (fig 17-1) will be completed in triplicate
and issued by the Adjutant General, US Army
by the person in charge of testing equipment whenever
Transportation Center, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604.
cars develop faulty airbrakes which cause delay to trains
or damage to wheels. Item on this form pertaining to
17-2. DA Form 55-126 (Request and Receipt for
the condition of the feed valve, compressor-governor,
brake valves, main reservoir safety valve, deadman's
Spare Parts, Supplies, Services, or Repairs for
device, air signal valve, reducing valve, and air gages
US Army Hospital Cars from Railroads)
will be completed only when rail motorcars or other
types of self-propelled cars equipped with airbrakes are
Supplies of this form will be carried on
tested. These items will not be filled in when freight or
all ambulance, guard, or kitchen cars to be completed
passenger cars are tested. In theaters of operations,
by the train commander or responsible transportation
one copy will be forwarded to the commanding officer of
officer, in quadruplicate, when it is necessary to secure
the railway operating battalion and one copy to
supplies or services from railroads. The original and
transportation railway group headquarters.
In the
one copy will be provided the railroad representative;
continental United States, one copy will be retained on
the third copy forwarded to the US Army Materiel
file at the installation and two copies will be forwarded to
Command (AMC), Washington, D. C. 20310; the fourth
the Commanding General, US Army Mobility Equipment
copy will be retained by the agency to which the car(s) is
17-4. DA Form 55-156
The Commanding General, US Army
Application Record)
Materiel Command, will be responsible for processing all
bills for spare parts, supplies, repairs, and services
This form (fig 17-2) will be completed in duplicate by the
furnished by railroads in CONUS for ambulance guard
person in charge of removing batteries from and
and troop kitchen cars owned by the department of the
installing batteries in cars
Army (DA).
(1) The railroads will submit
invoices in quadruplicate, together with the original copy