TM 55-203
installation transportation officer of the installation at
Bad-order cards will not be removed
which the car terminates.
from a car until repairs have been completed, and then
only by authorized personnel. In both CONUS and
17-12. DA Form 55-237 (Rolling Stock Specification
theaters of operations, the inspector responsible for
repairs will remove and destroy the cards when he
determines a car is ready for service.
This card (fig 17-9) will be used to provide information
17-11. DA Form 55-165 (Conductor's Report of
as to classification, type, capacity, gage, building, and
Damaged or Defective Cars)
other pertinent information for all rolling stock. When all
cars of a group, type, or class are identical, only one
card will be required for that group. A new card will be
This form (not shown) will be completed in duplicate by
completed to indicate exceptions. If required data are
the conductor in charge of a train to provide the car
not available, the information will be obtained from
inspector or foreman at the terminal with detailed
drawings and specifications or by an inspection of the
information covering defects which developed while the
car. A specification card for each car in service will be
cars were en route. One copy will be sent to the car
forwarded to the transportation railway group
foreman or inspector at the end of the trip, and one copy
headquarters in theaters of operations or to the US
will be forwarded to the commanding officer of the
Army Mobility Equipment Command in CONUS.
railway operating battalion in theaters of operations or in
the CONUS to the commanding officer, attention:
Figure 17-7. DA Form 55-163 (Car Inspector's Train Report).
Figure 17-8. DA Form 55-164 (Bad-Order Card).