TM 55-203
(4) Slack adjusters, other than an air-
sure heads, piston rod, piston heads, and release
operated type, must be adjusted to provide piston travel
springs must be removed and thoroughly cleaned by
standard to the car, see (9) and k below.
scraping off all deposits of grease and dirt and by
removing rust spots from piston rods and cylinder walls
using sandpaper preferably, or emery cloth, if necessary
(5) Automatic slack adjusters on cars
Grease and dirt must also be removed from leakage
must be cleaned, repaired, lubricated, adjusted, and
grooves. All parts must be thoroughly cleaned (with
tested as often as conditions require and not less 4
cleaning solution, if necessary) and must be dried with a
frequently than triple valves or control valves are
cloth before being reassembled.
cleaned and repaired.
(3) Excessively worn piston packing cups
(6) Air-operated slack adjuster screws
must be renewed. Packing cups slightly worn at 'one
must first be moved full travel toward the brake cylinder
location but otherwise in good condition may be used by
end of the adjuster bodies by turning the ratchet nuts.
rotating cups so that the worn side is at the top of the
After removing the crosshead pin cups and pins,
cylinder. Packing cups must be applied centrally on
engines and screws must be removed. Screws must
piston heads. Follower studs in piston heads of other
then be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush. Engines
than U-type brake cylinders must be tight, and nuts must
must be disassembled, thoroughly cleaned, and
be tightened uniformly.
inspected to determine repairs and new parts required.
All parts except ,piston packing cups and gaskets must
(4) The inner walls of cylinders and the
be thoroughly cleaned with cleaning solution, blown with
bearing surfaces of piston packing cups must [have a
compressed air, and dried with a cloth. Packing cups
thin coating of approved brake cylinder ,lubricant
must be removed before pistons are cleaned with
applied with a brush The grease groove of the piston
solution and must be renewed when necessary.
lubricator swab must also be filled with this lubricant
Packing cups and gaskets must be cleaned only with a
dry cloth. Defective packing cups and gaskets must be
(5) Sharp tools must not be used in insert
replaced only with standard parts. All parts must be
ing piston assemblies in cylinders After piston
blown with compressed air, and air passages must be
assemblies have been inserted in cylinders, but before
free of obstructions. Springs must meet standard
nonpressure heads are applied, piston rods must be
requirements and must be renewed when necessary.
rotated slightly to avoid damage to packing cups and to
determine that assemblies are free and do not bind.
(7) Piston lubricator swabs must be
removed and left out of cylinder. Ratchets, pawls, and
(6) After brake cylinders have been
appurtenances, and packing cups must be lubricated
reassembled on cars, a leakage test must be made
with approved brake cylinder lubricant.
,strictly in accordance with the approved, currently
effective, single-car code of tests.
(8) Lubrication of slack adjuster screws is
limited to a small quantity of dry graphite applied in the
Miscellaneous inspections and repairs
hollow of the ratchet nuts
include the following:
(9) After slack adjuster cylinders have been
reassembled, screws and engines have been applied,
(1) Brake pipe, branch pipe, and pipe
and screws are in full-travel position toward brake
'bracket must be thoroughly blown out, and the strainer
cylinder ends of adjuster bodies, prescribed piston travel
in the branch pipe, triple valve, or control valve must be
must be provided by the use of manual slack adjusters
cleaned The dirt collector must be thoroughly cleaned
or by moving the pin to the proper hole in the brake
by removing the bowl or plug. Before the plug or flange
adjusting rod. Piston travel must be adjusted to allow 1/2
bolts are reapplied, threaded portions must be coated
inch in excess of prescribed travel, and the position of
with oil and graphite or graphite grease. The dirt
ratchet nuts will be indicated by marking nuts and
collector must be applied in a vertical position with the
housings A service application of brakes must be
bowl at the bottom.
made. After the pipes leading from the brake cylinders
to the slack adjusters have been checked for leakage
(2) Should any of the triple-valve or
and after the brakes have been released, a movement
control-valve bushings require renewing, such work
of the ratchet nuts from their marked positions indicates
must be done in the airbrake shop.
that the slack adjusters are in proper operating
(3) Standard gaskets must be used
Gaskets of irregular thickness or those having improper
registry of ports must be rejected.