TM 55-203
Figure 17-4. DA Form 55-160 (Record of Cleaning
Figure 17-6. DA Form 55-162 (Inspector's Record).
Water Tanks Hospital and Kitchen Cars).
17-10. DA Form 55-164 (Bad-Order Card)
This card (fig 17-8) will be completed by car inspectors
or other personnel inspecting railroad rolling stock in
train assembly yards or in other places where cars are
checked to see if they are in a safe suitable condition for
service. It is used to indicate equipment which needs
repairs before further use.
a. Required information, which may be written in pencil,
will include date, car number, nature of defect, place
carded, and the name of the inspector, as well as
whether the car is loaded or empty.
b. The side of the card having the words "Bad Order"
on a black background will be used when the defective
condition of a loaded car is such that it can be moved to
Figure 17-5. DA Form 55-161 (Airbrake Defect Tag).
a destination within the local switching district for
unloading before repairs need to be made. This form
them and will include cars having defective handbrakes,
may be used also when bad-order empty cars are
cars carded to repair tracks, cars carded for reweighing,
forwarded from one shop or from one repair point to
and cars inspected for other purposes. In theaters of
another for repairs.
operations, the completed form will be sent to the officer
in charge of car repairs in the operating battalion. In
Cards with the words "Bad Order" on a red
CONUS, the completed form will be forwarded to the
background will be used to designate cars that are in
transportation officer at the installation where the
such defective condition that they are not handled
inspections were made.
except to repair tracks.
17-9. DA Form 55-163 (Car Inspector's Train Report)
d. Cards carry the words "light" and "heavy" ion each
side. Marking one or the other of these words will
This form (fig 17-7) will be used by the chief car
indicate whether the car is to be placed on the light
inspector in reporting inspection of each train arriving or
repair or the heavy repair track.
leaving the terminal or originating point where car
Inspectors are located. In theaters of operations, this
e. One card will be applied to each side of a bad-order
report will be retained on file by the officer in charge of
car. On cars having wooden sides, the card will be
car repairs in the railway operating battalion.
placed below the car number. On cars with steel sides,
CONUS, the report will be retained on file at the
cards will be placed on boards provided for this purpose.