3-3. The DISR
Theater regulations require shipping and receiving installations to furnish daily
reports concerning current status of all modes of transport to their servicing MCT.
The DISR is a generic name applied to reports covering all modes of transport.
The MCT members will be most concerned with the DISR used to record military
trailer status data. The MCT uses DISRs to monitor the spotting, loading, pulling
of transport assets, and the delivery of cargo.
When the DISR is completed, the MCT forwards a consolidated report to its
DISR procedures
servicing transport mode operations section. The mode operations section uses
the report to determine the state of the MHE and to gauge how their pulling units
are doing. The TAMCA develops reporting time frames for the shipping and
receiving installations. Failure of the installations to prepare the DISR IAW
TAMCA time frames may give false impressions of what is happening at their
location. Also, ensure that TAMCA time frames are coordinated with your mode