3-2. Procedures for Determining Consignee Reception Capabilities, Continued
The guide lists the following information for each facility--
Facilities and
services guide,
Facility location.
Type of supplies handled, listed by service and class.
The MCT serving the installation, its location code designator, telephone
number, and teletype and radio address.
Modes available and the services they perform.
Appropriate special notes.
The installation capacity report is used at higher echelons to determine the flow of
supplies that can be shipped into and out of an installation to prevent overloading
capacity report
the installation and to adjust tonnages among the various modes of transport. This
report is prepared by the installation upon its activation. When a major permanent
change occurs, the MCT submits a new report to TAMCA. This report assists in
the compilation of the facilities and services guide. The installation capacity
report includes this type of information--
Installation information including--
Name and consignee code.
Location by map coordinates and reference to name of numbered streets;
state and national routes; main supply routes; or the distances between
readily identifiable locations.
Telephone number, teletypewriter exchange (TWX), call sign, and Army
or Air Force Post Office address.
Type of installation.
Service and class.
Summary of shipping and receiving facilities for cargo and passengers.
Installation storage areas, covered and open.
Heavy lift capabilities.
Average personnel available for load handling.
Availability of facilities for the receipt of cargo containers.
Continued on next page