1C-5. Theater Movement Program, Continued
By balancing the requirements transporting against the capabilities of the
Step 4:
transportation facilities, the planner can determine if the available modes and
Balancing the
terminals are sufficient to support the commander's concept of the operation. If
the requirements exceed the capabilities, then the planner must seek to change
against the
transportation operator work load, the commander's priorities, or additional
capabilities. These are factors which the transportation planner must consider
when balancing commander relationships:
Command relationships.
Geographical areas of responsibilities.
Risk of failure due to the tactical situation.
Planners determine critical points by determining if existing restrictions could
Step 5:
slow down or stop movement. This determination is made by analyzing the
physical structures within the nodes and links by computing the capability to man
critical points
the nodes and the terminals. Transportation planners must also develop
alternative plans and control measures to overcome congestion at critical points.
They must anticipate congestion and place movement teams on the ground to
respond to delays. When necessary, the actions of the movement teams are
coordinated with the fire and maneuver scheme of the commander to assure the
acquisition of artillery support where necessary.
Time permitting, transportation planners should program their transportation
Step 6:
requirements using schematics. Schematics are graphic portrayals depicting
shipping requirements versus shipping capabilities. Schematics are superimposed
by schematics
over maps and provide a visual representation of the transportation system
structure. Planners use these two types of schematics:
Requirements schematics. Requirements schematics list the daily shipping
requirements for each origin-destination combination between points. These
requirements include the listing of class of supply, tonnage, and movement
program line number.
Continued on next page