1C-5. Theater Movement Program
The ASCC uses the movement program to plan and execute the receipt and
onward movement of personnel and equipment. The movement program is a
directive plan developed in coordination with the TAMCA, MCC, and MCO.
The movement program is a tool for preplanning known and anticipated
transportation requirements for the reception and onward movement and
sustainment of US forces within a theater of operations. During the development
of the movement program, planners attempt to efficiently and effectively link
transportation resources with the transportation support requirements directed
The movement program serves as an authority to commit transportation assets
using these eight concurrent basic steps:
The distribution pattern contains the envisioned complete logistics picture within
Step 1: Assessing
the AO. The distribution pattern enables transportation planners to identify the
the distribution
normal flow of transportation support and alternate routes according to
operational needs. This pattern is constantly evolving and changing as the
operations within the theater mature. When developing the distribution pattern,
planners must first identify the nodes necessary within the transportation system
and then determine locations for--
The PODs.
Transitions through the staging areas, including supply and maintenance sites.
Terminals within the tactical AO.
Continued on next page