will be added to the TCMD when the cargo is loaded aboard the ship.
Now, let's
go over each column in Figure 3-3:
Figure 3-3.
DD Forms 1384 and 1385.
Column 1 - This column is marked Doc Id, which means document identifier. If you
will recall your instructions on the review of the TCMD, the document
identifier code, (DIC) is a three-digit code.
The first digit for
transportation documents is always a "T" and the second digit
identifies the type of shipment. The first and second digits of the
DIC for the cargo manifest body are the same as the first and second
digits in Block 1 of the TCMD. The third position of the DIC is the
"Prime and Trailer Card Identification" (see Appendix A, Section I);
the left column contains codes for the third position of the DIC.
When preparing an advance TCMD, the center column contains codes used
when preparing water manifest documents.