Figure 1-5.
Format of ETM's Second Line Using Manual TCMD as an
Punch Card TCMD
The punch card system is the preferred format for activities who have the
capability to prepare and transmit TCMD data.
To successfully complete this
portion of the subcourse, you must know where prime data and trailer line data
appear on the punch card.
First, you must ensure that your personnel have entered the correct codes on the
punch card worksheet, before forwarding it to the data processing unit.
Remember, the punch card has 80 numbered columns across the top. Also, the prime
data entered in blocks 1 through 17 and blocks 22 through 24 of the manual TCMD
consists of 80 characters. These characters fit exactly across the card column
(cc) of the punch card.
To help you see the transfer of information more
clearly, the shaded areas of Figures 1-7 through 1-13 illustrate the part of the
punch card that records data from the first line of the manual TCMDs. You can
use these figures to check the punch cards of your personnel for correct entries.