is indicated by a fairly sharp
hill/mountain line (see Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-7.
Hill Identified on Map.
The speed at which equipment or personnel can move is
affected by the slope of the ground.
Therefore, if the
convoy route must cross a ridge or spur, you must
anticipate that the movement of loaded vehicles will be
slowed down at this point of the route.
A cliff is a vertical or nearly vertical slope. Depending upon its
size, the cliff or cliffs can pose a threat to a convoy passing near
or between them.
They are potential ambush sites if adequate
concealment is unavailable. Note cliffs so that you can arrange for
When a slope (cliff) is so
steep that it cannot be shown at the contour interval without the
These tick marks will always point towards lower ground (see
Figure 2-10).
The key to a successful motor transport movement is specific
knowledge of the route and the anticipation of possible enemy forces.
Reports of recent enemy sightings, enemy attacks, and possible ambush
sites will be listed on the operation order. The operation order may
also refer you to an intelligence summary or similar document for
additional information.