TM 55-203
Figure 8-52. Piping diagram of arrangement for testing the standard passenger
single-car testing device.
(7) air signal equipment must be tested as provided in
diaphragm cock, it is necessary to apply only a small
Westinghouse Instruction Leaflet No. 2377-2.
amount of suitable grease to the cam part of the handle
where it contacts the actuating plunger.
b. General Instructions for Testing and Maintaining
(3) The test gage must be kept accurate and
the Freight Single-Car Testing Device
must be compared with a master gage as often as the
device is tested.
(1) To secure reliable and uniform results
with the single-car testing device, it must be kept free
(4) Step-by-step instructions on how to
from leakage and must be tested (fig 8-52) not less than
operate the test device, make various tests, and
once every 30 days and oftener if necessary. Any
maintain the device are contained in WAB Instruction
leakage must be corrected.
Pamphlet No. 5039-4, Supplement No. 1 (Single-Car
Testing Device, Code of Tests).
(2) As often as service conditions require, the
rotary valve must be lubricated with a suitable
8-29. General
Vacuum brakes are extensively used in the South
Consequently, much larger brake cylinders are
American republics, Africa, India, and Great Britain.
necessary to provide the needed force than in the
Vacuum automatic brake equipment offers a very
compressed airbrake system used in CONUS and some
simple and efficient means of providing braking power
other parts of the world such as China, Korea, and
for relatively light tonnage trains. In a vacuum brake
system, the maximum available pressure for applying
the conventional vacuum brake system.
the brakes is less than that of the atmosphere.