TM 55-203
are tape--that is, closed. Figure 848 shows the parts in
the auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder pressure
become equal, after which any further brake pipe
quick-service lap position. It will be seen that the exact
reduction is only a waste of air. About 20 pounds brake
position of the slide valve 3, in lap position depends
upon whether its previous position was that of quick-
pounds brake pipe pressure and 8-inch piston travel.
service, figure 846, or full service, figure 8-47. If the
former, the lap position assumed would be quick-service
f. Retarded Release and Charging Position
had previously moved to full-service position, however,
(1) Auxiliary reset in pressure. The K triple valve has
the lap position assumed would be full-service lap
two release positions, full release and retarded release.
position, figure 8-47, but with the graduating valve
Which position its parts will move to When the train
moved back so as to blank ports z and o in the slide
brakes are released depends upon how the brake pipe
valve and with the shoulder on the piston stem in
pressure is increased in relation to the auxiliary reservoir
contact with the ,left-hand end of slide valve 3 as shown
tion, a further reduction of the brake pipe pressure is
made and the operation described above repeated until