TM 55-203
Figure 6-2. Draft gear parts and yoke.
(d) Raise the outside end of the board to
in removal To reinstall the draft gear, followers, and yoke,
compress the gear approximately 1/2 inch by driving a
maximum possible height and place suitable size track
steel wedge between the follower and the yoke. This
Jack (or other Jack with a projecting foot) under the end
permits these parts to be lifted and properly placed in the
of the board.
draft gear pocket without difficulty. The wedge must be
(e) Place a suitable size wooden block on the
removed after the gear is hooked up. If the space is such
board directly under the yoke, jack up the board to take
that the wedge cannot be conveniently taken out after the
the weight of the draft gear and yoke.
gear is in place, a small piece of hardwood should be
(f) Remove the draft key, slide the coupler from
inserted in place of the wedge after the draft gear is
its pocket, remove carrier iron bolts, if any.
compressed. All swivel pins, draft keys, carrier irons, and
(g) Lower draft gear and yoke assembly to ground.
retainers must be protected against loss by bolts or cotter
keys. After the gear, coupler, and attachments are in
Note. As as draft gear and attachment may
place, bolts, or cotter keys will be placed in the holes
weigh over 600 pounds, a low-wheeled service truck with
provided. Cotter keys will be opened wide and bolts
a hydraulic or pneumatic Jack should be used if available.
peened over to prevent nuts from working off.
c. Reinstallation . Reinstallation of the draft gear is