4-3. Developing a Traffic Circulation Plan
The goal of highway regulation planning is to sustain movements according to the
commander's priorities and make the most effective and efficient use of the road
networks. Planning is done in a logical sequence and results in the publication of
the highway regulation plan and the traffic circulation plan.
The level of the route reconnaissance overlay is directly dependent upon the
time and situation. Using maps, aerial photographs, local traffic authorities,
intelligence reports, and transportation studies, the engineers develop route
information on the characteristics of the road network. This information includes
road surface, width, restrictive features, and bridge classifications. As the MCO
of the HTD, you must use this data to develop the traffic circulation plan by
identifying the--
best routes,
number of traffic lanes,
classification of bridges, and
sharp curves.
The traffic circulation plan, Figure 4-1, graphically displays the direction of the
traffic flow. Normally this plan is prepared as an overlay and provides traffic
circulation plan
flow information to the highway users. To develop the traffic circulation plan,
you must determine-
The traffic pattern providing the best access to origin and destination
maintenance/supply activities.
Direction of movements.
Location of boundaries, units, highway regulation points, traffic control posts,
and principal supply points and depots.
Major geographic features and light lines, if applicable.
Continued on next page