4-4. Developing a Highway Regulation Plan, Continued
The highway regulation plan is prepared by theater, corps, and division levels. To
Preparing the
prepare this plan you must--
regulation plan
Obtain situational information from Intelligence (G2) and operational plans
from the G3.
Ask G3 for controlled MSRs.
Ask engineers for the route reconnaissance report.
Ask MPs for the traffic circulation plan.
Determine the best location for the HRPT.
Write the plan.
Highway regulation plans obtain situation information and operational plans,
general route and traffic information, availability of terminals and other facilities,
and the availability of communications equipment. When determining the best
possible routes and when writing a highway regulation plan, you can expect to
and operational
coordinate data with each of these areas:
Operational plans contain information for the operational plans of the
command. They also contain policies, priorities, and restrictions imposed by
higher headquarters, and plans for logistics support of the command.
information. Route reconnaissance data is consolidated and a traffic
circulation overlay developed. The route reconnaissance overlay identifies
alternate routes and critical points along all routes where ambush or enemy
action may be encountered.
The traffic circulation overlay identifies the anticipated volume of traffic by
vehicle type and various changes in the traffic flow over sections of the routes
during specific periods.
Highway regulation planners need to know the locations and road
characteristics of supply points, depots, trailer transport points, terminal
transfer points, off-road parking areas, bivouac areas, and evacuation or
hospital facilities. Planners must identify access to these facilities from major
routes, and in their capabilities and services for motor transport.
Planners also consider the availability of communications equipment.
Continued on next page