"Work Extra 3031 Has Right Over All Trains on Eastward and Westward Tracks
Between DN Tower and RK From 0930 to 1130 Hours." It permits the work train
to occupy one track and foul the other or to use both tracks alternately.
However, regardless of the type of orders held, work trains must yield the
right-of-way to other trains as promptly as possible.
The form J train order is a holding order and is addressed only to the
station operators It is transmitted and completed in the same way as other
train orders and is delivered to a train or to each train the operator is
The order may pertain to an individual train, to all westbound
trains, or to all trains. Examples follow.
Hold No 2
Hold All Westward Trains
Hold All Trains
When trains are held by a form J order, they may be released by
annulling the holding order or by a new order superseding the form J.
Examples follow.
No 2 May Go
Order No __________ (the holding order) Is Annulled
This form is generally used in emergencies when the duration of the
holding order is not known. Washouts, snow or rock slides, and derailments
are examples of emergencies which might require its use.
The form K train order is used for annulling a schedule or a section.
Typical examples follow.
No 61 Due to Leave DN Tower 15 March is Annulled
Second 5 Due to Leave RK 15 March Is Annulled RK to AY Tower
In these examples, both the schedule and the section are annulled for
the trip on the date shown.
A schedule annulled by this form of order
cannot be restored by revoking the order that canceled the schedule.