"...Eng 9002 Instead of Eng 4006...."
Without this order, the dispatcher
might have to annul an order and issue a new one merely to change an
incorrectly reported engine number.
However, the form P should never be
used where it is not appropriate. For instance, it should never be used to
supersede any form E order, the so-called run-late or wait order discussed
in paragraph 5.14. When times must be changed, the form E must be annulled
and a new order issued.
The form R train order is used for a check of trains in place of
checking the train register, as described in paragraph 5.7. This form of
order is similar to the following examples.
Superior (First-Class) Trains Due at RK Before 1720 Hours Have
and Left
Superior (First-Class) Trains Due at RK Before 1720 Hours Have
(Have Left) Except No 15
The form D-R train order authorizes a movement against the current of
traffic. Its usual form as well as a modified one is shown below.
No 1 Has Right Over Opposing Trains on Eastward (or No 2) Track DN Tower
to BL
After No 4 Eng 9090 Arrives at OG No 3 Has Right Over Opposing Trains on
Eastward (or No 2) Track OG to WD
The form X train order is a reduced speed order and is commonly referred
to as a slow order. Train orders reducing speed should show the kilometer
post, bridge number, and other recognized locations. When practicable, the
number of meters to or from the nearest kilometer post may be used. In the
examples below, the abbreviation KMP stands for kilometer post.
Reduce Speed to 10 Kilometers Per Hour Over West Siding Switch at WD
Reduce speed to 15 Kilometers Per Hour From KMP 37 to KMP 39 From 0730
Until 1630 Hours