No 61 Eng 201 Meet No 62 Eng 310 at RK
No 7 Eng 3220 Meet No 12 Eng 210 at BO
Note that no direction is specified because the train number denotes
this. Odd train numbers indicate movements in the inferior direction, and
even numbers designate movements in the superior direction.
The form B train order directs a train to pass or run ahead of another,
as the following examples show.
Extra 550 West Pass No 3 Eng 112 at MD
Extra 9564 West Run Ahead of No 61 Eng 345 DN Tower to RK
The form S-C train order gives right over an opposing train. It has the
effect of making an inferior train superior to the other named train between
the points specified in the order. Examples are:
No 61 Eng 1245 has Right Over No 62 RK to FV
Extra 199 East has Right Over No 3 BO to OG
Form E train orders are time orders and are discussed in paragraph 4.10.
They are also called '"un-late" or "wait" orders. Three typical ones, each
slightly different in scope, follow.
No 11 Eng 2245 Run 50 Minutes Late DN Tower to AY Tower
No 11 Eng 2245 Run 50 Minutes Late DN Tower to RK and 30 Minutes Late RK
to AY Tower
No 11 Eng 2245 Wait at RK Until 1959 Hours FV Until 2035 Hours and BO
Until 2115 Hours
A form S-E train order is a conditional wait order.
The first-named
train will wait at the point designated until the last-named train arrives,
or the specified time is passed, whichever occurs first. Examples follow.