(14) Define the three load types.
a. Class 1, Class 2, Class 3.
b. Style 1, Style 2, Style 3.
c. Major, intermediate, minor.
d. Easy, average, difficult.
(15) When an item has no available mounting facilities
b. It may be strapped to a mounting board and the mounting board bolted to the base of the container.
c. It may be locked to the frame.
d. It may be disassembled and bolted to the base.
(16) Identify the technique wherein the item is packaged in an interior container and floated in cushioning material.
a. Floated item.
b. Suspended item.
c. Floated package.
d. Mounted package.
(17) An item classed as semifragile can
a. Withstand a limited amount of impact without damage.
b. Withstand very little impact without damage.
c. Withstand severe impact without damage.
d. Withstand continuous impact without damage.
(18) Blocking and bracing is an unavoidable operation with what load type?
a. Type 1.
b. Type 2.
c. Type 4.
d. Type 3.