(19) The cushioning method wherein the item may be blocked in a cradle and the cradle suspended identifies a
a. Suspension mounting.
b. Floated item.
c. Resilient item.
d. Floated package.
(20) A cushioning material that springs back to its original shape and thickness after having been compressed under a
load is said to be
a. Rugged.
b. Fragile.
c. Resilient.
d. Abrasive.
(21) The difference between the thickness of a compressed cushioning materials and its original thickness is known as
a. Resiliency.
b. Rate of recovery.
c. Compression set.
d. Absorption capacity.
(22) Cushioning characteristics include
a. Floated item and floated package.
c. Fragile and semifragile.
d. Corrosiveness, abrasiveness, and resilience.
(23) Plywood is used primarily for
a. Lightweight fragile items.
b. Blocking and bracing.
c. Cushioning rugged items.
d. Suspending semifragile items.