Clearance Procedures, continued
The difference between the two sets of procedures is that all RU shipments
RU versus LRU
require an export traffic release (ETR) in advance of the shipment by the shipper
while only some LRU shipments (indicated in appendix H of MILSTAMP)
require an ETR.
The shipper must clear all cargo shipped by Government controlled cargo air
Air clearance
systems (i.e. Air Mobility Command (AMC)). The air clearance procedure is
essentially the same as for water shipments. In air systems, however, there is no
requirement for an ETR and no differentiation between RUs and LRUs.
Clearance authorities do not actually handle material shipments. They do provide
an important documentation link among the shipper, transhipper, and the receiver.
In general clearance authorities:
Control the movement of cargo--the control includes furnishing TCMD data
to the terminal for each shipment unit; coordinating movements of classified
or courier material; and monitoring retrograde cargo from overseas to
CONUS, assuring shipment to the ultimate CONUS consignee.
Divert cargo as required and in coordination with the sponsoring Services.
Trace and expedite cargo.
Provide lift and receipt data to the Services/Agencies,
USTRANSCOM, as required.
Correct discrepancies in shipment documentation with the assistance of the
supporting Services. Documentation correction includes directing the TCMD
Effectiveness Program for late, missing, or improperly prepared TCMDs.