Shipping Documentation
After the shipper has determined data requirements and collected that data
following the shipment planning steps (discussed earlier in this lesson part) the
next step he must complete is preparation of DD Form 1384, the Transportation
Control and Movement Document (TCMD).
TCMD purpose
Lists all the data about a shipment and is prepared in one of several formats
for every shipment except unaccompanied baggage shipments (for latter
shipments, the carriers port agent is responsible for preparing a TCMD for
each shipment delivered to the AMC aerial port).
Provides the clearance authorities, ports, receivers, and other interested
transportation personnel with advance notice of shipments and the information
necessary to process the shipments through the DTS. It is the basis for
preparation of air and surface manifests and for compiling logistics
management reports.
The TCMD form itself may be used as a dock receipt, tally sheet, highway
waybill, or for other transportation control purposes.
The TCMD has three primary formats:
TCMD formats
80 column computer data record.
Electronically transmitted message.
Manual or hard copy form.
At one time, computer key-punch cards were used to convey
transportation movement and shipment data. Recently, modern
computer software and hardware is being used to collect, transmit,
and report transportation data. These evolving technologies will be
discussed in Part C of this lesson.
Continued on next page