Now you must review Section II (see Figure 2-18). On Line 1, SHPT B should be
entered. The Mode should be SURFACE. In this exercise, the favorable carriers
will be NAVL, VNPC, and AMRB with the last one being the Selected Carrier.
According to the NMFC, the $ Rate will be 2.40; the Total Cost 42.91; the
Classification, 5980; and the Dest GBL Office Code, JFAT. The next column should
be blank. The total pieces, weight, and cube come from Section I, Line 1.
Now go to Line 2. On Line 2, SHPT B should be entered. This is an LRU shipment.
Let's say that the date the request was submitted to your office was May 29 and
Routing/Special Instructions/
the instructions were received June 12 at 0930.
Marking should be LTL SHPT RELEASED TO CARRIER JUNE 20. According to the NMFC,
the Container Weight is 15,450.
Your personnel should have added this and the
weight of the shipment (1,788) to determine the Gross Weight (17,238). The GBL
Number is NP000014.
You have now completed your review of both shipments.