TM 55-203
should be replaced with new parts Rivets that are rusted
When the rub strip is applied behind the door or
through should be burnt off and replaced. Joints should
sheathing, all wood screws should be tightened so that
be drawn up tight (to prevent leaks) before installing
the heads are flush with the strip.
new rivets or welding.
9-13. Maintenance of Steel Component, Composite
e. Steel Doors. Top-supported doors will be
inspected to insure that the top track and hangers are
securely in position, with no projecting parts which
In many instances wood-steel
interfere with opening and closing the car door. The top
composite cars were originally wooden cars on which
track must be level; if an unlevel track is found, it should
wooden parts have been replaced by steel parts. Many
be repaired promptly to prevent further damage to the
of these composite cars have steel ends and roofs, but
door and the car. Badly bent or damaged tracks must be
still retain the wooden sides.
This discussion is
concerned with practical measures used in maintenance
and repair of these steel components.
9-14. All-Steel Cars
b. Bent Steel Ends. Bent steel ends of composite
a. General. The repair of riveted all-steel and
cars usually can be straightened without removing them
welded all-steel cars will be very similar, except for the
from the car To straighten an end that is bent outward,
removal and replacement of parts. In the former case,
the damaged car should be coupled to another car, with
rivets will have to be removed to free the defective part;
the bent end facing the other car to provide a jacking
in the latter case, a defective portion will have to be
base. After coupling, a pair of trestles should be placed
burned out. The new piece will be attached in the same
between the cars, one on each side of the opening. A
manner as the part removed.
plank should be placed between the trestles A heavy
jack, with a wide plank set against the good car as a
b. Bent Sheets and Side Plates. Bent end or side
base, is inserted with the base end of the jack against
sheets usually can be straightened without removal from
the wide plank and the other end of the jack against the
apex or high point of the bend in the damaged car. By
and c. If a side plate is damaged In only a limited area,
operating the jack, the bend will be forced back into
the area affected can be disconnected from parts
position. If it becomes necessary to move the jack from
attached to it and then cut out. A similar size side plate
point to point, the couplers should be blocked before the
can then be spliced into place. Rust spots or small
jack is removed after the first operation. By placing a
holes may be repaired by welding a steel patch over the
block between the coupler horn and the striking casting
affected area.
of each car, the slack between cars will remain the
same and other jackring operations made easier. If the
c. Doors, Flooring, and Sheathing The flooring
end is bent in, it will be necessary to remove several
and sheathing or inside lining used in all steel boxcars is
lining boards to provide a bearing surface on the end
in most cases identical so that used in the old all-wood
posts for a timber placed crosswise in the car. The
cars The maintenance of wooden superstructure is
jacking procedure will be the same, except that the work
will be done from inside to outside and the damaged car
paragraph 13e.
need not be coupled If the bend is too severe, too deep
and short, or lover too great an area, the piece should
d. Running Boards. The installation of boxcar
be removed and a new end installed.
running boards as a safety measure on top of newly built
boxcars is no longer required. However, such running
c. Bent Steel Sides. Steel sides that are bent
boards on older cars must be maintained in serviceable
inward or outward can be straightened by following the
condition. Fastenings of running boards should be
basic procedure outlined for bent ends. A jack and a
inspected regularly ,and any loose pieces or rivets
block of wood are required, as well as a convenient
replaced. Preventive maintenance includes painting at
means of providing a base for the jack.
regular intervals to prevent rusting.
d. Steel Roofs. Steel roofs should be painted at
the first evidence of rust as a preventive maintenance
measure. Bent sheets or roof caps should be removed
and straightened without heating. If too badly bent, they