TM 55-203
Figure 9-4. Dumpcar, body tilted.
cars are ruggedly constructed to stand rough usage As
plished by swinging the cylinders around so they push
in the case of other freight cars with steel
the body the other way. The locks on this type of car
superstructures, light repairs can be accomplished
are also reversed manually by means of a short pull rod
without heavy equipment. Straightening of bent and
located transversely on the center underframe of the
deformed members may be accomplished with the use
car. On other types dumping is accomplished by
of jacks and supporting timbers as discussed for other
operation of a dumping valve handle which is moved to
car superstructures. Patching of floors, sides, and ends
dump position. A direction valve conveniently and
follow the same procedures discussed for hopper cars
conspicuously located will indicate clearly to the
and gondolas. Maintenance and repair procedures for
operator the direction In which the car will dump.
associated equipment of air dumpcars such as air
9-31. Maintenance and Repair
and brake facilities are the same as any other freight
The simplicity of construction of the average dump car
minimizes maintenance and repair problems. These
the inside are unit will double-welded butt joints to
9-32. General
provide a relatively smooth interior surface. Tanks of
riveted construction are composed of several
The superstructure or tank of tank cars generally is
overlapping sheets, preformed to general contour and
constructed of steel or other metal plates riveted or
fusion-welded together. Tanks designed to be lined on