TM 55-203
Figure 10-1. Arrangement of an axle-generator belt-drive system.
natural condition.
is attached to an automatic clutch installed on the
The hypoid gear, through the pinion,
(d) A program of regular inspection
(fig. 1043) or in some cases a generator mounted on the
and replacing of small parts will prevent excessive wear
car body. The automatic clutch mounted between the
and possible generator drive failure. This includes those
parts apt to become worn, loose, or broken, such as
disconnects the drove from the generator in case of
rubber mountings, bolts, nuts, washers, oil seals,
excessive overload 'or when the car speed falls below 5
gaskets, bearings, etc. Drives correctly installed and
miles per hour. It also eliminates shock loads when cars
maintained will operate satisfactorily without attention
are being shunted. The automatic release permits
for long periods.
motoring of the generator for electrical inspection or
driving of the generator motor or generator by standby
b. Head-End System.
alternating current.
(1) The head-end system was one of the
(b) Correct lubrication is the most
first electrical systems to be used in train lighting. In
important item of maintenance in connection with these
this system, the generator may be located in the
drives. Proper lubricants must be used and the correct
baggage car and driven by a steam turbine or a gas
oil level maintained to prevent drive failure Extreme
engine, or it may be installed on the tender or
care must be exercised to prevent the admission of dirt
locomotive and driven by a steam turbine. In a few
or other foreign matter into open filler plug holes.
cases, the head-end system has been used on modern
streamline trains, power being generated by two or more
(c) If inspection reveals a rapid loss of
diesel-engine generator sets located in the locomotive
oil, the oil seals should be examined and replaced if
or in a power car at the head of the train.
necessary. Oil leaks must be corrected as soon as
possible. They may be detected by a wetting of the
surface around the sealed points. A slight seepage is a