4-7. Implementing the Movement
Implementing the movement requires coordination and communication between
the requesting unit and the HTD.
These are the procedures for requesting convoy clearance and obtaining actual
movement approval for CONUS movements:
The Request for Convoy Clearance, DD Form 1265, Figure 4-2 and 4-3, is a dual-
Request for
purpose document serving as either a request for movement, authorization
for movement, or both. When an organization desires to initiate a highway
clearance, DD
movement, it must submit a DD Form 1265 to the movement control officer. The
Form 1265
movement control officer uses this form to grant convoy clearance and issue any
special instructions for conducting the road movement. Depending upon the
urgency of the request, DD Form 1265 may be transmitted orally, electronically,
or in writing.
Once the movement officer receives the DD Form 1265, he strives to schedule
Scheduling the
the movement according to the time and route considerations supplied by the
road movement
requesting unit. If this is not possible, the movement control officer notifies the
requester and arranges for alternate times, routes, or both.
Once the movement is scheduled and routed, the movement control officer issues
Issuing the
the movement credit and movement number for the convoy as well as any
additional information required. He then returns this authorization to the
requesting agency through the same channels it was transmitted through.
Continued on next page