4-6. Scheduling Traffic, Continued
When scheduling traffic movements you must apply these considerations:
Schedule intra-area movements and assign movement numbers to the units.
Coordinate inter-area movements between the areas concerned. The traffic
division in the area where the movement originates assigns the movement
number. When inter-area movements conflict and are unresolvable, the MCO
having overall jurisdiction determines movement priorities.
Treat a round trip schedule for completion within 24 hours as a single
movement. When more than 24 hours is required to complete a round trip,
treat the return trip as a separate movement requiring a new movement
Treat a one-way movement, regardless of the number of days involved, as a
single movement using one movement number throughout its movement.
Identify march units within a column by adding a letter suffix behind the
movement number.
Furnish approved schedules and assigned movement numbers to the HRPT
and to the provost marshal so that traffic control can be provided.
TR 2011