2-8. Mode Selection Considerations, Continued
Tactical requirements are extremely variable. For example, in a wartime
environment, the destination unit may have had to change its location, been
destroyed, or changed its unit designation. These are some other tactical
requirements to be considered when selecting an appropriate mode of
The use of nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) warfare may cause the
rerouting of cargo, transloading of cargo, and other protective measures.
Small, fast convoys may be used to reduce the potential havoc to depots and
supply bases.
The status of road networks, highways, and bridges must be intact, passable,
and able to accommodate loadweights.
Rail lines must be intact and off-load facilities available.
Airfields must be operational with the appropriate aircraft available.
Waterways must have adequate depth in both low and high water seasons and
tides must be observed. Barges or boats must be available for transport.
Containerize cargo where practicable to minimize handling and damage.
Containers minimize or possibly eliminate cargo rehandling during transport and
Adequate transportation equipment allocations must be available to fulfill all
known requirements. Do not place transport equipment in reserve in the
anticipation of unforeseen requirements. These requirements are met as they
occur by allocation of transportation according to the commander's priorities.
These are some additional considerations:
Use the most economical transport mode for the complete movement, or as far
forward as possible. Use commercial assets when military assets are
unavailable or when using military assets is impractical.
Ensure that movements are not delayed beyond the RDD while waiting for
military assets to become available.
Do not cancel previously confirmed transportation assets.
Continued on next page