2-8. Mode Selection Considerations
The next task is the selection of the appropriate transportation mode and the
assigning of the task to the mode operator to perform the materiel movement.
This section covers the considerations the movement manager must identify when
determining the appropriate transportation mode.
These are the transportation coordination requirements for LRU shipments and
LRU and RU
RU shipments:
The movement manager determines need based on the priorities established by
Determining need
the theater commander and the nature of the shipment. The movement manager
must evaluate the effects of the shipment characteristics on the provision of
transportation service.
When selecting the appropriate mode of transportation, the movement manager
must also consider the requirements for security and special handling procedures
for hazardous/classified shipments and class V, ammo shipments.
The movement manager must consider the political requirements of the shipping
cargo. For example, the shipment cargo may be viewed as objectionable by
political factions within certain areas, or the shipment may pass through areas
inhabited by anti-US factions.
Continued on next page