Rule 206. Writing, Transmitting.
In train orders, regular trains will be designated by
number, as "No. 2," and sections, as "Second 2,"
adding the engine number.
Extra trains will be
designated by engine number and the direction, as
"Extra 605 East." Work extras will be designated by
engine number, as "Work Extra 611." The initials, as
well as the engine number, will be used for the
movement of an engine of another railroad. The number
of the leading engine will be used when two or more
engines are coupled and a designation is made by
engine number.
Even numbers such as "1500" hours must not be used in
stating time in train orders.
telegraph, time may be stated only in figures.
In transmitting train orders by telephone, names of
stations, sections, and direction of extra trains must
be plainly pronounced and then spelled, letter by
letter, thus: Dallas, D-a-l-l-a-s; Second, S-e-c-o-n-
d; East, E-a-s-t. Order numbers and train, engine and
other numbers must first be pronounced and then
followed by pronouncing each figure; thus: one hundred
five, 1-0-5; twenty-seven fifty-six, 2-7-5-6; except
where the number is but one figure when it must first
be pronounced and then spelled, thus: one, figure 1,
Time must first be pronounced, thus: ten
twenty, then spelled, letter by letter, thus: t-e-n t-
figure, thus: 1-0-2-0.
The letters duplicating names
of stations and numerals will not be written in the
order book nor upon train orders.
When train orders are transmitted by telephone, the
train dispatcher must write the train order in the
train order book as he transmits it and underscore
each word and number as repeated by each office. When
transmitted by telegraph, the order must be written in
the train order book as repeated by the first office
and each word and