Rule 204. Addressing.
Train orders must be addressed to those who are to
execute them, naming the places at which they are to
receive their copies.
Those for a train must be
addressed to the conductor and engineman and also to
anyone who acts as its pilot. A copy for each person
addressed must be supplied by the station agent.
Orders restricting the movement of trains which are
addressed to station agents must be respected by
conductors and enginemen just as if addressed to them.
Train orders, clearances, and check of train register
must be shown by the conductor to at least one
brakeman and to others, when practicable.
They must
be shown by the engineman to the fireman and, when
practicable, to the forward brakeman.
Brakemen and
firemen must read and return them; compare their
understanding of the orders with the conductor or
engineman, calling attention to errors or omissions;
and should there be occasion to do so, remind the
conductor or engineman of the contents.
When more than one engine is attached to a train, each
engineman must be supplied with copies of all orders
affecting the movement of the train.
Rule 205. Recording.
Each train order will be written in full
in a book provided for that purpose at the office of
the train dispatcher.
With the train order, there
will be recorded the time and signals which show when,
from what offices, and by whom the order was repeated,
and the responses transmitted. The train dispatcher's
initials will also be recorded.
The records must be
made at once and never from memory or memorandums.
Additions to train orders must not be made after they
have been repeated.