(4) Personnel must not stand on the track in front
approaching engine or car for the purpose of boarding it.
(5) Personnel will observe the railway safety rules listed in
DA Pamphlet 55-1.
The rules given in this paragraph, and designated as added rules
in TM 55-200, apply only to military train operations.
a. Discharge of Duty. Personnel will not absent themselves from
their duties, exchange duties, or substitute other personnel in their
places without proper authority.
b. Ambulance Trains, Cars.
Extra precautions will be taken in
the movement of equipment designed or used as ambulance trains or
c. Accidents, Personal Injuries.
In train accidents involving
injury to train personnel or passengers, first aid must be
promptly, and the required reports must be submitted.
medical assistance will be called as quickly as possible. It will be
the responsibility of the conductor to comply with the provisions of
this rule.
If the conductor is incapacitated, the next senior crew
member will act in his place. In making narrative reports, names of
witnesses, if any, must be secured and reported.
None of these rules is more or less important than the others,
but particular emphasis should be placed on the first three, Rules A,
B, and C.
If you are involved in a railway operation, you should
have the rules in your possession, know them thoroughly, and be able
to interpret them accurately.
If you do not fully understand them,
ask some qualified person who does know to explain them to you. You
should also be prepared to take and satisfactorily complete an
examination on the rules at any time.
And, most important of all,
you must obey the rules.
Before continuing with further discussions of railway operating
rules, you should have some understanding of railroad terminology.
The following paragraph defines some common railway terms; you should
be familiar with them because they are used extensively throughout
the remainder of the text.