b. Rule B.
Knowledge of Rules.
(1) Personnel will be conversant with and obey the rules and
special instructions.
Request will be made of proper authority for
an explanation of any rule or instruction which is not understood.
(2) All personnel whose duties are concerned with the movement
of trains will become familiar with the rules governing other
personnel as well as the rules which govern them.
They will be
prepared to perform any duty to insure safety in an emergency.
c. Rule C.
Personnel whose duties are affected by these rules must pass
the required examinations.
d. Rule D.
Personnel Affected by Rules.
All personnel engaged in any service on trains are subject to
the rules and special instructions.
e. Rule E.
Violations of Rules.
Personnel must render all assistance possible in carrying out
the rules and special instructions, and must report any violations to
the proper authority.
f. Rule F.
Reporting Hazards.
(1) Accidents; failure in the supply of water or fuel; defects
in track, bridges, or signals; or any unusual conditions which may
affect the movement of trains must be reported to the proper
authority by the quickest and most reliable means available.
(2) Personnel will be alert at all times to detect defective or
unserviceable equipment or track.
They will, when practicable,
observe passing trains for any defect, such as sticking brakes, brake
rigging down, hot journals, or protruding objects, and will signal to
the train crews to call attention to the defects.
If it is not
possible to communicate with the train or engine crew, the train
dispatcher will be notified as quickly as possible.
(3) Defective or unserviceable track or equipment will be
protected properly if facilities or material for repairs are not