Requirement - Answer each question according to the instructions provided. When all questions have been answered,
compare your answers to those found immediately following the practical exercise. Any questions answered incorrectly
should be reviewed by studying the references given with the correct answer.
(1) What are the two basic types of preservatives?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________________
(2) When official information cannot be found, what factors will help to determine the preservative to be used?
ANSWER: a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
e. _______________________________
f. ________________________________
(3) Which preservative is often used for small arms?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________________
(4) What is the seven methods of preservative application?
ANSWER: a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________
c. _________________________________
d. _________________________________
e. _________________________________
f. __________________________________
g. _________________________________
(5) What is the preferred method of applying preservatives?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________________
(6) What method of applying preservatives should we use only when no other procedure is available or acceptable?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________________
(7) Which preservatives do not usually require overwrapping?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________________