6-3. Data Collection Point
The DOD MILSTEP central data collection point (CDCP) has been established by
CDCP location
the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Logistics (DUSA (L)) at the Defense
Automatic Addressing System Office in Tracy, California. The CDCP is
responsible for collecting, processing, editing, and redistributing to the Services
and Agencies all intransit data reports required by the MILSTEP. Report
procedures include those described below:
Intransit information is reported to the MILSTEP CDCP by DDN, mail, or
courier. DDN is the primary means of transmission.
Activities report daily to the CDCP all intransit data except receipt and lift
(D1 TK6/TK7).
- In CONUS MTMC area commands forward the surface receipt and lift
data record tape (D1 TK7) to the CDCP so it arrives no later than the fifth
calendar day following the monthly reporting period.
- AMC forwards the air receipt and lift data record tape (Dl TK6/TK7)
to the CDCP daily.
- Activities report shipments with discrepancies as received on the day
of the initial delivery (or offering for delivery), not on the day the
discrepancies are resolved.
Reporting activities forward intransit data using the appropriate addresses
shown in the table below: