Shipment Planning
The table below describes the planning elements that must be considered at the
respective levels of war:
Deliberate planning is the method used when time permits the total participation
of the commanders and staffs of the Joint Planning and Execution Community
(JPEC). The JPEC consists of commands and agencies involved in the training,
preparation, and movement of forces.
During peacetime, combatant commanders and their service components use the
deliberate planning process to develop CONPLANs and detailed OPLANs
identified in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). The Joint operation
Planning and Execution System (JOPES) is used to accomplish the required
One of the key capabilities of JOPES is the development of transportation
feasibility analysis and plans.
Figure 1-12, page 1-48, displays the players in JOPES and their roles in the
deliberate planning process.
Continued on next page