You must ensure that as they disperse, drivers are trained to look
for a bush, tree, or some other means of concealment to break the
shape of their vehicles as seen from the air (see Figure 3-2).
Figure 3-2.
Disperse Vehicles in Concealed Areas.
surfaces and objects (windshields, headlights, mirrors, and so
reflect light and attract the pilot's attention.
You must
that all shiny items are camouflaged or covered before the
moves out.
If vehicles are not already painted in a pattern to blend with the
terrain and to break the outline, personnel can use mud to achieve
this effect (see Figure 3-3).
You must ensure that air guard duties are assigned to specific
individuals throughout the convoy, and each receives specific search
If the road march lasts more than an hour, soldiers should
take turns at air guard duty. Scanning for a long period dulls the
ability to spot aircraft.
When aircraft are spotted or early warning is received, you have
three options: